I joined a small group bible study, and I just realized this is my very first one. I am not a new Christian, per se, as I have known for most of my life, the Truth that Jesus is God. However in terms of realizing there is more to my relationship with God than just one hour every Sunday and prayers at night and in times of need, I am very new. I have a lot of respect for the Catholic faith and I always will, but I have come to feel that it just isn't enough for me. There is comfort and beauty in the rituals and repetitiveness of Mass, but there is also complacency. I think it is too easy to "drift off" due to how much the same stories are covered over and over. Maybe it was just me or my church, but now that I am in a church that delves so much deeper into the Bible and into community and member outreach, I hunger for more.
I digress, back to my first Bible study. I really love it. We are studying a workbook, called "Experiencing God; Knowing and Doing the Will of God" by Henry T. Blackaby and Claude V. King. It is funny because, I told my MIL (mother in law) that I was a little bit disappointed that the only Bible study that fit into my schedule wasn't the one that was more about Jesus. "Mom," I said, "God is easy, you'd have to be an idiot not to believe in God, but Jesus is more challenging." Then I went off my meds and for weeks I couldn't
feel God, and I realized how naive the above statement was. Yes I believe in God, that
is easy, but do I know Him? Do I have a "love relationship" with Him? Not really, (or should I say it was one sided?) but I sure am trying to now! Another thing that is new to me is witnessing. How do I do it? Pastor Tim said you live your life as a testimony so that when others view it, they know of your faith and by what and how you say that you are Christian and that is also witnessing. But I want to do more. Yesterday, I was doing my Bible study. I am sooooo far behind, I decided to just do the current lesson. I took my materials outside and just sat out there reading. It was so beautiful with a gentle breeze blowing, not too hot, it was a perfect setting for studying the Word. I was thankful for the rare quiet moments. One of the units had a bunch of ideas for how to engage someone seeking guidance and one of the options just struck me. "How can I pray for you?" It is easy to say, "I will keep you in my prayers." I have said that a hundred times, and really, that puts an end to any discussion in a way. What else can the other person say but, thanks and
boom!, they are "off the hook," but "How can I pray for you?" Is fantastic because it calls for the other person to get involved in the conversation. I thought maybe you could use this phrase with your co-worker Malia. I am excited to try this, I just learned about it yesterday, and so far have not used it, but I will keep you updated.
Our church is going to be doing the "40 days of Purpose" program in October and I am so excited to go out and DO something in the community. I am going to continue to share what happens in my Bible study and some of the ideas and scriptures that effect me. Also I wanted to share that we dedicated Liam to the Lord this Sunday and it was really neat. I am excited to see what God has planned for Liam and I am confident in God's promise that he will help me raise Liam to be a good Christian man. Well, that is all for now. If I was rambling at all, it is because as I finish this, it is past midnight! Good night my friend, I love you.