Today's lesson at church, was on God's unique plan for you. Every one of us was created with a special specific set of talents that provide us with the ability to fulfil God's plan for us. There is something that you can do, that no one else can, for the Lord. I don't know about you, but to me that sounds exciting. Sometimes I get a little scared that my mission in life was to create Liam, and now that I fulfilled that, I am done. Not that I wouldn't be honored and thrilled to have completed what God asked of me, it is just that I so desperately want to be here to watch him grow into a Christian Warrior. I know for a FACT, God wanted Chris and I together; I have no doubt that is true. I get very excited when I think of what our future holds as a Christian couple. Recently I began teaching an American Sign Language class at my church. It has been so satisfying and wonderful. My students are picking up so fast, and even though I was waaaaay out of practice, everything is flooding back to me. It is uncanny how quick I can learn and re-learn signs. Is that my calling? Will I one day start a deaf ministry? How exciting....To Be Continued!
It is a very good paying job because there are never enough good interpreters. The areas of highest demand are: LA,Fremont, and SAN DIEGO. San Diego has a deaf community of over 200,000. Maybe you should look into it?
About three years at an accredited school, you must get your certificate AND you MUST pass the RID testing process. That is Registered Interpreters for the Deaf, and no one will hire you if you aren't a member of RID. You can do it part time in the evenings like I was doing. It takes a while longer but you still can work full time....worth it! I am sad I only had a year to go, but this is fun too.
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