Friday, May 05, 2006


Malia, your blog was perfect (and NOT too long!) and I feel the same way. Sometimes, I feel like, "Here I am Lord, use me...." and then I get distracted with my own 'issues'. Or I don't know how to go about ministering. One of the things we can do is brainstorm on how we can bring others to the Lord. I have no idea. I still feel very new in my faith. Not as a Christian, but as a non-Catholic. Gentle readers, (should we be lucky enough one day to have readers, that is...) Malia and I went to the same Catholic junior high and we were both raised Catholic. I love the Catholic Church it is beautiful, important and rich in traditions, but it is NOT all about the evangelical side. That is what I am brand new to and yes, dare I say still uncomfortable with, but I will strive to do better. I want to learn and do my part. That is part of the reason for this blog, to learn! I also would like to write more about being Catholic, just not in this post. Another time! Coming soon to a blog near you.....

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